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The framework (Figure 1) includes three key elements: the domains (organized groupings for the competencies), the competencies, and the associated behaviours. The framework includes two Competency Domains: Foundational Competencies and Core Competencies. Within each competency domain, there are labels used to organize the collection of competencies and behaviours required to be successful in the role of a Certified CCA. When a CCA initially enters the workforce as Certified, they are considered entry-level competent and meet the Scope of Practice requirements. As the Certified CCA gains experience and efficiency, the employer or sector determines the desired level of proficiency within the employment setting.
The framework very simply organizes the competencies needed by CCAs and gives employers an easy document to reference...it will help industry communicate their needs.
The CCA Scope of Practice and Competency Framework encompasses the practice requirements for newly Certified CCAs. The framework, being an industry competency model, is focused on entry-level practice3 for CCAs entering the workforce in a variety of settings and forms the base of the pyramid and includes two competencies, Accountability and Integrity. The Foundational Competencies are defined as the fundamental professional requirements needed to meet industry’s overall strategic demands of providing person-centered care. These competencies are pivotal to the CCAs ability to demonstrate the core competencies.
3 Entry-level is at minimally competent; the point at which a newly Certified CCA can perform the skill safely and work independently with little or no direct supervision but may still require time to gain efficiency in performing the task.
At the middle of the pyramid rests the Core Competency Domain which includes eight competencies: Care Setting Management (CSM), Communication, Infection Prevention & Control (IPC), Mental Health and Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Care, Safe Handling & Mobility (SHM), and Safety Protocols. CCA Core Competencies are defined as the competencies required to complete the necessary functions and tasks a CCA must perform. The individual competencies are linked to behaviours. The behaviours provide an indication of how the competency can be applied to meet the unique care needs of the individual.
As depicted at the tip of the pyramid, there may also be organizational and/or sector specific competencies outside the framework. The unique competencies may be added to the organizations/sector specific competency model using this industry Framework as a base.
The framework serves to maintain the dialogue between industry (CCA employers), DHW, CCAPAC, educators and other key stakeholders to communicate and set current and changing competencies for the CCA occupation. The framework allows for a consistent and systematic approach to ensuring that learning outcomes of the CCA Program align with performance requirements within the health care industry while maintaining alignment with sector and organizational competency models. Framework input output model (Figure 2) depicts the flow of information, application, and maintenance the framework should preserve.
Human Resource Functions
CCA Certification is the entry to practice education required to work as a personal care provider in most DHW Continuing Care funded service settings. CCA Certification is also the education requirement for Care Team Assistance (CTA) position in the acute care environment.
The CCA Competency Framework informs human resource efforts at both the organizational and industry level; ensuring the alignment is fundamental for a sustainable, effective, and productive workforce. It is important for organizations to ensure there is alignment between their Human Resource (HR) policies and practices (e.g., performance management, recruitment, and retention initiatives) and the competencies within the framework.
Although the scope of employment may vary from employer to employer in general a Certified CCA’s role in health care meets the CCA Competency Framework. The framework should be the base for any organizational or sector specific CCA competency models allowing for the development of customized or tailored job descriptions, effective hiring/screening tools, performance management, education and proficiency scales beyond entry-level competence, and career planning tools.