CCA Registry
Home » CCA Registry Information
Continuing Care Assistants are a very important part of Nova Scotia’s health care system and CCAs represent a sizeable workforce in Nova Scotia.
Educational qualifications are required to work in the role of a CCA, as identified in the Entry to Practice Policy, update effective November 9, 2021.
New legislation, the Continuing Care Assistants Registry Act received Royal Assent in April 2021 and establishes a mandatory registry for all CCAs in Nova Scotia for the purposes of collecting workforce planning data such as the name of the CCA, where they work, and whether they work full-time, part-time, or casual.
We are pleased to announce the mandatory Continuing Care Assistant Registry is live as of February 2, 2022. The mandatory registry will replace the existing voluntary registry.
The renewal period will be January 1 to March 31 of each year.
Health Association Nova Scotia (HANS) will administer the CCA Registry for the Department of Health and Wellness and provide support to the sector. HANS and the Department will work together to ensure all the registration data is kept secure and private in accordance with Nova Scotia’s privacy legislation.
Please note name, registration number and annual renewal status of each CCA and CCA in Training will be available in a public registry found on this website (similar to Nova Scotia College of Nursing).
For general inquiries about the CCA Registry:
Call: 1-866-265-9900 (Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm)
Please find materials to support your registration process in the resource section below.
Unsure if you have an active registration? Click here to search your name.
How To Guides
How to Sign Up for the CCA Registry
How to Sign Up for the CCA Registry (Step-by-step Video)
How to Renew Your CCA Registry Membership
How to Renew Your CCA Registry (Step-by-Step Video)
How to Reset Your Password
Confirmation of Employment - Conditional Hire
Letter from Employer
Confirmation of Employment - On-the-job Trained
Letter from Employer
Confirmation of Practice Hours - Retired Nurse
Letter from Employer
Letter of Good Standing - Retired Nurse
NS College of Nursing
Promotional Posters
Renew Today!
Register Today!
Who Needs to Register?
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.